Friday, October 28, 2011

Classroom Policies and Procedures

If your child is absent:
Upon returning to school, your child should check the absent box and notebook for notes, assignments and anything else missed in class that day.  We often meet with absent students to go over skills we covered while they were gone, but remind your child to check the absent box and talk to us if he/she still has questions.

Late Work Policy:

Work is accepted for full credit on the due date.  For two weeks after the due date, we will accept late work at a reduced score of 60%.  After the two week window, the assignment will not be accepted for credit.

Note: absences are given extra time to make up absent work at no grade reduction.

Checking Grades on Skyward:

1.  Go to
2.  Click on the Skyward link
3.  Enter your login id and password (see the school office if you don’t have this info)

* grades are updated a few days after each assignment is due
* progress reports are handed to students every other Monday.

Weekly Homework:

  • assigned and explained on Mondays
  • due Thursdays
  • Article of Week, Reading Letter or Writing  
Contact Us:
Reading: Katie Sikes
                Phone:  565-1762

Writing: Donette Hope
               Phone: 565-1762

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Scholastic Book Orders

Occasionally, we pass Scholastic Book Club fliers out to our students. We have found that they are an easy way for students to see some of the new and popular books that are available. We are certainly not advocating that you purchase books from Scholastic, but we have found that because they publish some of the books, at times they offer prices and selection that can't be found anywhere else.

If you are interested in ordering, there are two way to do this. The first is to send the completed order form (found on the back of the flier) with a check or cash with your student to school. He/she can give it to either Mrs. Hope or Sikes and we will order and get the books to him/her when they arrive.

The other method is to use online ordering. This can be found at To use this, you simply need to set up an account and log in using our class code which is HCRLR. This method allows you to order the books yourself and pay with a credit card.

If you are interested in purchasing books without your student knowing about it--like for Christmas, or a birthday, please email either one of us: or We can arrange for you to pick up the books, or send them home with another sibling or a friend.

If you have any questions, feel free to email either of us at the addresses above.

Friday, October 21, 2011

How To Access the On-Line Literature Book

Log on to
Username: sms7thgrade2
Password: read!
Click Log In

Friday, September 9, 2011

Common Terms You May Encounter In Our Posts

Language Arts Binder: Students have a language arts binder that stays in the Language Arts classroom. It contains four sections: Independent Reading, Reading Notes, Writing Notes, Vocabulary.
Writer's Notebook: This spiral notebook stays in the language arts classroom with their Language Arts binder.
Vocabulary Notebook: This is the section in the Language Arts binder where students define new/frequently used words they will encounter in Language Arts throughout their academic career.
Independent Reading: During independent reading time, students are allowed to read a novel of their choice. Students receive one point per day for having their novel in class and using their reading time. Students who disrupt the learning of others, or who do not have a book to read lose their daily point.
Absent Box: If a student is absent, he/she can find everything that we did during the days that he/she was gone, in the Absent Box. This box also contains extra handouts for those students who have lost work or missing assignments.

About Us

Mrs. Hope and Mrs. Sikes teach 7th grade language arts at Stevens Middle School. We are passionate about helping all students become life long learners and readers.