If your child is absent:
Upon returning to school, your child should check the absent box and notebook for notes, assignments and anything else missed in class that day. We often meet with absent students to go over skills we covered while they were gone, but remind your child to check the absent box and talk to us if he/she still has questions.
Late Work Policy:
Work is accepted for full credit on the due date. For two weeks after the due date, we will accept late work at a reduced score of 60%. After the two week window, the assignment will not be accepted for credit.
Note: absences are given extra time to make up absent work at no grade reduction.
Checking Grades on Skyward:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Skyward link
3. Enter your login id and password (see the school office if you don’t have this info)
* grades are updated a few days after each assignment is due
* progress reports are handed to students every other Monday.
Weekly Homework:
- assigned and explained on Mondays
- due Thursdays
- Article of Week, Reading Letter or Writing
Contact Us:
Reading: Katie Sikes Email:ksikes@portangelesschools.org
Phone: 565-1762
Writing: Donette Hope
Email: dhope@portangelesschools.org
Phone: 565-1762